Monday, January 5, 2009

No resolve

You know how you can tell it's a new year? Walk into the nearest Barnes & Noble. There to greet you will be a display full of workout, diet, and lifestyle books. Apparently, Americans all need to go on a diet and start a new workout routine after the New Year. Then there's the silly radio and TV "personalities" all talking about resolutions. Call me crazy, but I wasn't tempted to form any resolutions this year. I kinda like my life the way it is. So here is my "anti-resolution" list for 2009. Things I could do differently or change . . .but I won't! 

This year I could . . . 
Bathe the dogs more than once a week, which will make them and my house smell better and cut down on the tumbleweeds of dog fur covering everything. 
Exercise even though I hate to sweat or exert myself physically. 
Drink more water.
Charge my cell phone before it wakes me up at 2 a.m. bleaping its energy warning every week.
Remember the birthdays of my friends and family and actually send a card that's not "belated."

All things I could do, but I won't. I mean, let's face it, I'm 40-something and I hate to exercise and drink water. I just don't see the point in trying to change that. I'm not overweight or dehydrated. So forget it.

The dogs hate to get a bath anyway. I know because they hide from me when I turn on the water in the tub. 

The fact that I do eventually send a real paper card, through the U.S. Postal Service, with a stamp and everything, has got to count for something. It's better than one of those lame "e-cards." 

If you think I should give some of the above mentioned changes a real effort, then call me . . . on my cell phone. Ooops, it's dead again. Never mind. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome Sheralle, glad you're visiting from time to time!