Saturday, April 17, 2010

What is this?

I saw this last week in the Matanzas Inlet in St. Augustine. It says Earth Ball on the side of it. I guess it is supposed to be someone's environmentally friendly boathouse? It was so bizarre I pulled over to the side of the road to take a photo. I know that all you Native Mom fans would enjoy seeing it.  I'd be happy to take your guesses on what else it might be. There are no wrong answers and don't expect a definitive answer from me cause I have no idea!

UPDATE 4/19: Thanks to Mimi, my most loyal Native Mom reader, we have an answer to the Earth Ball mystery. The St. Augustine Record recently did an article on the soccer shaped boat and its unusual 69-year-old owner. Click here for more details.


Anonymous said...

The St. Augustine Record Recently ran a story about the man and his boat,very unusual story, but the inside of the house boat is very organized. Neat story to.

NinjaMom said...

So interesting! And how neat for you to have been driving by at the exact moment he sailed by.