Friday, April 30, 2010

You know your house is a home if

My good friend Sarah invited Wondertwin and I to her home for what we lovingly refer to as a "porch sit" yesterday. Sarah spent several years building this home, which actually has a name - CenterPeace. In fact the name is carved into the mantle over the fireplace in her living room.

Now I'm thinking that if your house has an official name, it's not a house it is a home. And what a beautiful home it is. Though not nearly as beautiful as the woman who owns it.

About twice a year our little group of ladies enjoys a porch sit. The view of the Intracoastal river can't be beat. Wine and appetizers. But most of all great conversation and plenty of laughs. Lots of love all around!


The Florida Blogger said...

A rocking chair + the intercoastal waterway=heaven.

Florida Native Mom said...

I agree totally!