Monday, March 2, 2009

Strike One for Education

What has 271 lanes,  team spirit and a lot of rented shoes? That would be the Bowl-A-Thon for public education that was recently held by FUTURES, the Volusia County Schools education foundation. Think people aren't supportive of public education in Florida? Don't tell that to the 72 teams of bowlers who came out recently to raise money for our local schools by bowling. I don't bowl, but I gave it a shot for this event. (that's my team in the photo, aren't we cute?) And I was inspired. I mean if people who haven't been in a bowling alley for years can come out on a weekend, put on someone else's shoes, and humiliate themselves by throwing gutter balls to raise money (oh, that was just me, oops), then surely our legislators can find the "balls" to raise taxes on cigarettes and charge tax on internet sales to help fund education. Otherwise I say "spare" them no mercy at election time. 

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